Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dislocados pays homage to Michael Jackson with Billie Jean!

So, the single is out! Like I said, we were coming out with a BIG song for us, and it's finally here! We've pre-released our new single which is a pure hard salsa interpretation of Michael Jackson's classic, Billie Jean. The song is coming out officially on June 25, 2010, the one-year anniversary of MJ's death, but you can catch it on youtube here!:

The song was a lot of work and effort from our side, mostly from Ilya, who did the awesome hard salsa arrangement. But, it's always hard when you're doing a cover, especially such a FAMOUS one, because everyone is going to have their own opinion. For us, the most important thing was to maintain the main singable parts of the song so people could enjoy singing along in the club, make the beat very salsa-groovy, but still do it the Dislocados way, meaning that I wasn't trying to be too much like Michael on the vocals, and the band does its hard salsa thing.

I hope you all enjoy it, we're really pleased. Special thanks to Sasha Sadovets from Na Hati Records for doing such a great job with the sound post-production.

And, no, we haven't abandoned our old style and now are going to be doing just danceable salsa covers. But, we like to see what we can do when we experiment a bit. Be assured that on the next album you'll have the whole spectrum from this kind of stuff to intense jazzy hardcore jams!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Dislocados records NEW SINGLE!

So, just came back from the studio in Kiev this weekend. Awesome fun. I laid down the lead vocals for our new single coming out on JUNE 25TH! It's supposed to be a big deal for us, so I'm really excited.
I went with my brother, Nicholas, who joined Ilya and Lesya on coro and I think it worked out great. Nicholas gave a new flavour to the coro that you guys won't regret.
Before I forget, as always, special thanks to Sasha Sadovets of Na Hati Records, Ukraine, who made the recording process as enjoyable as possible, as usual. What a professional.
The plan is that the song will be available as a single download from iTunes, etc. Although, it always takes a little delay with iTunes, but even if it's not available there straight away, you'll be able to hear it starting June 25th on Hard Salsa Radio in New York, around a bunch more radio stations worldwide, and I'm going to make it available for immediate listening on youtube.
We're keeping the song a big secret until it's out. The song has a couple of purposes. Mainly, it's to increase Dislocados' visibility among salseros that don't know us yet. Our main concentration was on:
1. increasing visibility
2. increasing "dance-ability"
3. making a special dedication to a beloved artist
Well, without saying more, I just have to say that the song seems awesome. We already pre-performed it twice in Kiev, and I gotta tell you, the audiences loved it. Ilya paid special attention to make the arrangement as danceable as possible without losing Dislocados' hard salsa essence. Be especially prepared for some great coros, great horn parts, and sing alongs...
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know about it for now. It's the most exciting thing right now for us... We're done the rhythm section, lead and coro, and now we have to record the horns and mix it, and it'll be ready to go!
So, the countdown begins. T-25 days until Dislocados' new blockbuster hit...

Get ready to hear it in a salsoteca near you!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spotlight on Andrey Chayka

Andrey is a fiercely committed Dislocados member and dedicated musician, and shines as a timbalero, particularly in his mind-blowing solos.


Национальная Музыкальная Академия Украины им. Чайковского 2006
Dislocados c 2007 года
Ансамбль ударных инструментов НМАУ им. В. Колокольникова
Олег Путятин & Валерий Кошман Project

Salsa dura очень актуальна в наше время. Она несёт колоссальный заряд позитивной энергии и радости. В ней есть всё! - музыка, самые разнообразные ритмы, жизнеутверждающие тексты с глубоким философским содержанием и очень жовой энергичный танец, как спорт и интелектуальное развитие!!! В сальсе очень много разных ритмов, которые можно и интересно играть на любом инструменте. QUE VIVA LA SALSA DURA!!!

Salsa dura is a very relevant and current form of music. It brings a colossal charge of positive energy and happiness. It has everything! - music, a huge variety of rhythms, life-affirming lyrics with deep philosophical content and a lively and energetic dance, like a sport, and intellectual development!!! In salsa there are many different types of rhythms that you can play in an interesting way on any instrument. QUE VIVA LA SALSA DURA!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spotlight on Valentin Korniyenko

Valentin Korniyenko / Валентин Корниенко

Dislocados' baby bass player, Valik's creative skills are especially well featured in a 3-minute long solo on Descarga de 44, a real La Salida gem!

Харьковское Музыкальное Училище им. Лятошинского 1992/1996
Харьковский Педагогический Университет им. Сковороды 1996/2001
Харьковский Институт Искусств им. Котляревского 2001/2003
КГВМУ им. Р. М. Глиера 2003/2005

Skhid-Side, Квартет Гетца Грюнберга, Трио Константина Стрельченко, Квартет Сергея Капелюшка, Овсяников & Ересько Band, Lush Life, Квартет Theodora Enacia, Dislocados c 2007 года

Когда джазовый музыкант начинает слушать сальсу,он думает что это просто ,легко и не очень интересно....во всяком случае со мной было именно так....Но стоит ему вслушаться повнимательнее в эту музыку или попробовать сыграть ее и , он начинает менять свою точку зрения - не так уж это легко,и ,когда у него уже начинает получаться он чувствует удовлетворение от своих новых ощущений......если это продолжается - музыкант и сам не заметит как влюбится в этот ,наполненный бешеной энергией, необычный для европейца стиль музыки....... Лично для меня сальса открыла качественно новые ритмические ощущения....и джазовая музыка от этого только выиграла....

When a jazz musician begins to listen to salsa, he thinks it's easy, simple, and not very interesting... either way, with me it was exactly like that. But, it's worthwhile to listen a little closer to it or to try to play it and, you begin to change your perspective - not so easy anymore, and, when the jazz musician starts to get it, he feels satisfied by his new feelings... if this continues, the musician himself won't notice how he falls in love with this full fury of energy, an unusual style of music for a European. Personally for me, salsa opened numerous new rhythmic feelings... and my jazz side only got better because of it...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Videos are up! And salsa, as perceived by Dennis Adu.

Hey guys, WE'RE BACK. After a long bout of silence, and a lack of salsa for me for 2 months, I went back to Kyiv last week and picked up our professional videos from the Jimmy Bosch concert!!!

Check them out, I'm so excited!

Soooooooooo exciting. Now the next step is to get to the Ottawa and Montreal jazz festivals. If we could bring Jimmy, we can do anything now!

In other news, for the Dislocados launch concerts, I had the guys prepare some text about why salsa is cool for musicians and not only for dancers. We didn't get a chance to use them before the concert, unfortunately, but I think it's important to post their ideas now. This part is in Russian for our Russian audiences. The first one I'll post will be by Dennis Adu, first trumpet in the band, international maniac on trumpet. :) pictured above


Your browser may not support display of this image. Деннис Аду

Криворожское Музыкальное Училище 2002/2005; КГВМУ им.Р.М.Глиера 2005/2009.

Dislocados c 2005 года, Cactus Fresh, Z-Band, Квинтет Дмитрия Александрова, Квартет Родика Иванова, Alex Fantayev Band, Квинтет Дениса Дудко, Квинтет Дениса Аду, Группа «Ремонт Воды», Little Band Academy, MazaFanka, Band 44.

Я думаю, что для джазового музыканта интерес играть сальсу заключается в том это прежде всего этот невероятный ритм этот драйв (когда он есть конечно^^) непохож не на одну музыку в мире. Тем более если ты играешь эту музыку с amazing musicians (как в ДисЛоКадОс) к примеру, то ощутить этот своеобразный драйв не сложно (ну когда у всех нормальное настроение конечно же это немаловажно в любой музыке) (моё настроение на 80% зависит от трубы, даже я бы сказал от того сколько времени я с ней провожу в флигеле Глиэра). Что касается ритма это очень сложные комбинации рисунков на разных инструментах способны вскружить голову даже самым профессиональным музыкантам, так как они действительно сложны и если ты даже трубач или пианист или басист ты должен их обязательно знать (хотя бы основные рисунки основных стилей) чтобы быть уверенным в себе и чтоб не случалось разный мистейков на сцене! Как типо джамену мне интересно играть сальсу так как в импровизации в сальсе есть определённые правила в основном заключающиеся в красивых мелодиях построенных на самых обыкновенных трезвучиях в необыкновенных ритмических построениях, и конечно же масса разных клише которые используются в сальсе так же как и в джазе (или не используются). А как трубачу особенно интересно играть сальсу ещё и потому что эта музыка даёт возможность играть на трубе совсем иначе чем в любой другой музыке Это в превую очердь проявляется конечно же в штрихах, в звуке, в выдержке ну и конечно же в выдержке (endurance) и в регистре (range), (относительно двух остальных я мог бы написать наверное ещё на пару страниц но напишу в кратце). Что касается выдержки и регистра на трубе в сальсовой музыке это особая история, так как все сальсовые трубачи славятся своим невероятно мощным звуком и естественно умопомрачительным регистром что придаёт этой музыке фантастическую энергию. Для того чтобы играть сальсу трубачу ему главное не только иметь определённый регистр выдержку и звук, а и невероятную дисциплину которая будет помогать ему быть всегда в форме (вот кстати почему большинство трубачей более ответственно подходят к занятиям нежели другие инструменталисты 8-). Нет физической формы(на трубе) – нет и сальсы)))) В этой музыке можно оторватся вообщем(если знать как) gg

Rough translation:

I think that a jazz musician's interest in playing salsa lies in, above all, its incredible pace and drive (when it exists, of course ^ ^) it's unlike any other in the music world. Especially if you play this music with amazing musicians (as with Dislocados), for example, you feel this kind of drive is not difficult to achieve (well, of course when everyone's mood is good, as is similar in any music) (my mood is 80% dependent on the horn, especially I would say of how much time I spend with her in the wings of the Glier school). As for the rhythm, it's very complex with combinations of patterns on different instruments that can challenge you, even with the most professional musicians, as they are really complex and even if you trumpet or piano or bass you need to know (at least the basic patterns, basic styles) to be confident in yourself, and not to make too many mistakes on stage! In terms of jamming, it's interesting for me to play salsa because in salsa improvisation there are certain rules, which are primarily in the beautiful melodies built on triads of unusual rhythmic constructions, and of course the multitude of different riffs or quotes that are used in salsa as well as in jazz (or not used). A trumpet player in particular has fun playing salsa also because the music makes it possible to play the trumpet very different than in any other music, is reflected in the bars, the sound, and of course in the endurance and range, (on the other two I could probably write another couple pages but I'll write in brief). With regard to maturing and the register of the trumpet in salsa music, it's a special story, because all salsa trumpeters are famous for their incredibly powerful and natural sound mind bending register that gives the music a fantastic energy. In order to play salsa, a trumpet player not only has to have patience and good sound, but also incredible discipline that will help him to be in form (this is the why the majority of trumpeters take a more responsible approach to employment than other instrumentalists 8-). No physical form (in trumpet) - no salsa)))) In this music, you can let yourself go completely (if you know how) gg

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jimmy Bosch in Kiev!

WE DID IT! We put on our CD release concert with Jimmy Bosch, and it was a success! First of all, we completely sold out, and more people were demanding tickets at the door. Salseros came from Kiev, Kharkov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Prague, and perhaps other cities we're unaware of to celebrate live music in Kiev with the special honorable appearance of Jimmy Bosch!

There is so much we can talk about, so I hope that Ilya will use the opportunity to make his own post so that I don't miss anything, and so that you can get a different perspective on our adventure.

Among the difficulties was the fact that this was one of Kiev's coldest weeks in YEARS probably, with every day averaging -25 degrees Celsius. Because of this, many of us got sick, including Jimmy, Lesya, and myself - I was out the night before the concert with a super high fever, scared that I wouldn't be able to ATTEND the concert, let alone sing in it. Sacha's car broke down, the car I rented got stuck in ice and snow many times and Jimmy himself pushed it out of many a snowbank, something in my arm snapped from playing the guiro that I couldn't really play it anymore, the venue people (Galeria Lavra) did nothing that they were supposed to - the place was completely frozen by the day of the concert (and we were especially careful to ask about heat all throughout our preparations for the event), the toilets were broken, the place was filthy, and the cleaning people were nowhere to be found. We had to emergency-order extra special heaters for which we were going to pay a large yet needed amount, yet they never ended up showing up because they were "stuck in traffic". So, the salseros came and filled up an icy room, but it got warm really fast.

Despite all of these problems the days were great. Two rehearsals with Jimmy were amazing. All of us were focused on his amazing skills, sound, rhythm, phrasing, and technique on the trombone, and his deep knowledge and experience with salsa music. All of us - I think especially the horns - were trying to observe every movement so that any detail could maybe make us just that much better of a salsa player.

Meanwhile, we got to hang out with Jimmy socially and he was great. Telling us the stories behind his songs, something about our other salsa idols, and generally laughing and having a ball with us, being the life of the party. Despite the INCREDIBLY difficult weather, Jimmy was a real sport and he seemed like he was having just as much fun as he would if he were playing in Puerto Rico, which made us feel very honored that he would go to the effort to make us feel so comfortable.

Ilya, Jimmy and I even got to go on M1, the Ukrainian version of MTV, for an interview eaaaaaaarly Friday morning (again, reminding that it was COLD - the offices had very little heating). Otherwise, a few news channels came to take interviews with us on the night of the concert and we had our own camera crew which hopefully got to capture the magic.

The actual concert was great, although it started a bit late. Paradush was amazing, perfectly supportive and full of energy with their Brazilian beats. We also had Yulia and Gabriel, two dance teachers from Kharkov, who were our last-minute MC's because Adrian couldn't make it in the end, and they did a fantastic job! They also brought 60 people to come see us all the way from eastern Ukraine, so we really appreciated it!

The actual concert of Dislocados + JB was great. We played a couple of our tunes that Jimmy played along with, which were great, and otherwise we had SO MUCH FUN singing and playing Jimmy's songs. Jimmy was so full of energy, and this time the band let loose a bit too (not like at rehearsals as much) and had a great time, trying to improvise and generally just feel the music and have a great time.

The whole experience was amazing, and we'd like to sincerely thank Jimmy Bosch again. When we get official documentation up of the event, of course we'll share it.

And, once again, I'd like to thank our sponsors (Caribbean Club, Na Hati Records, Opera Hotel, Den Schliker, Verano Tours, Berman Group, What's On Kiev) as well as our amazing assistant - Anya Lukanina.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lonely greaseball

Ilya was hanging out with Jimmy Bosch all day, sightseeing in Kiev.

And all I had to do today (besides work) was get on the plane.

Instead I waited 5 hours at the airport before they sent me back home. Broken plane.

And here I am in my house eating McDonalds before I fall asleep on the couch.

Let's hope that's the only hiccup this weekend.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Apparently it's a big deal that we're in this.

We're also in some Ukrainian Diaspora news site, that's funny (and cool, of course).

People are calling Ilya every 15 minutes or less to get info, etc.

Anya, our assistant, is helping us constantly.

I'm doing a full day's work, and still I managed to get my hair done, buy a few last-minute things (like options of clothes for Ilya cuz apparently he likes nothing in Kiev) before I leave and still I have to work more now when I finish doing Dislocados work.

And people keep calling and wanting us.

This is amazing... I'm getting really excited, we're starting to realize our dream within this project...

And a few TV channels already want interviews with us.

"We're gonna make it after alllll..."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Opening band for Jimmy Bosch concert!

Here I'm having problems with the order of pictures again... forgive me, guys.

Anyway, we have an exciting announcement! We finalized the opening band for our concert with Jimmy Bosch on January 23, 2010! I'm super excited because they were my first choice: I wanted a group of musicians that are also trying to promote international live music, and quite frankly, I was just unsure that we'd be able to get them because they're quite good to be *just* an opening band for us. But, we wanted this concert to be of the highest caliber, and so I'm really excited for our audience that they'll be able to see these guys at the event!

The band is called PARADUSH, a pair of souls, as they tell me, but it also sounds like a Portuguese word kind of if you say it, which is appropriate because they play a lot of music based on Brazilian rhythms as well as in Portuguese, but from what I understand, they also sing in English, Ukrainian, etc, so it's a really nice mix of everything.

I'll post some more official information when I get it from them, but I wanted to just say how excited I am!

Also newly announced to be working with us is Adrian Garcia! He will be the MC of the concert, and I'm super excited, because he unites all these cultures on a daily basis - himself being Cuban-Ukrainian. Adrian also has his own music career which you can check out on his website, so we're extra excited to have him support us like this.

6 days 'til JB concert... insane...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cheers to our sponsors!

What's On Kyiv came through and printed a full page article about Ilya, the band, and the event, along with our event poster on another page.

Thanks to Neil and Tatiyana from What's On - the article and photo look great, and I hear we're already getting calls inquiring about the event! Success!

Man, wouldn't it be cooooool if we sold out? Tres cool...

Check out the online version here (even though it's prettier in print). ;)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ironic experience with Jimmy Bosch

So, it's Bosch T-9 and I'm getting closer and closer to *****ing my pants. ;) In all seriousness, we're quite excited. In fact, before anything crazy happens, I tend to get very calm, and that's kind of where I'm at now.

In fact, I was so much the "calm before the storm" that when I called JB yesterday to finalize the last plans, I was trying to not be hyper and I think I put him to sleep... haha.

But there was one ridiculous part of the conversation. Jimmy, as the great man that he is, wanted to let me know that people already know about us. Now, the more times I tell the story, the more it could be like the fishing story, where you keep exaggerating the size of the fish you caught, but I'm pretty sure this is how it went:
JB: "By the way, did you know that you guys are well known?"
KP: "Really, what do you mean?"
JB: "When I was in Cali, Colombia, I said that I was going to Ukraine and people were asking me if I was going to play with Dislocados. So, they know you down there. They even have your music."

Now, when I was re-telling this to Ilya, the irony suddenly dawned on me. JIMMY BOSCH was telling ME, Karolina, that DISLOCADOS is well known.

Jimmy Bosch.

It reminded me of this Seinfeld scene (minus the anger and the dumping, but my enthusiasm for the irony was pretty much similar to Elaine's here):

Gotta love JB. I'll try to keep up with the blog a bit more if I can for the days leading up to the concert cuz I think it'll be interesting to keep track of this ridiculous experience. I already told my facebook friends, the next stop for me is dancing on Mars in my underwear.